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Everything you need to know about The European Accessibility Act (EAA)

The EU flag with an icon of a person in the middle

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) aims to enhance the accessibility of products and services for people with disabilities and the elderly throughout the EU. With less than a year remaining to meet compliance requirements, both the public and private sectors must act now.

5 min.
Read more about this: Everything you need to know about The European Accessibility Act (EAA)

1xCAMP Iceland - June 2022

Group photo

From the 16 - 19th of June 2022, the employees of 1xINTERNET met up in Hveragerði, Iceland for the...

5 min.

1xINTERNET workshop in Conil


In October 1xINTERNET held the first of the three company workshops that will take place instead of...

3 min.

1xINTERNET at DrupalCon Europe 2021

DrupalCon Europe

This year DrupalCon Europe is taking place online. For us, living in the Drupal world it's almost...

5 min.

1xINTERNET at DrupalCon NA 2021

1xINTERNET hallway track sponsors

1xINTERNET is participating in DrupalCon NA this year as a Hallway Track sponsor. Few of our team...

6 min.

The first ever virtual DrupalCon Global

DrupalCon Global

DrupalCon Global took place between July 14-17 2020. The first ever, online DrupalCon took place...

7 min.

Happy DrupalCon GLOBAL 2020

DrupalCon Global 2020

DrupalCon Global is taking place this week. This year the event is virtual and therefore it's...

5 min.

Personalization - Free webinar with 1xINTERNET & Acquia

Personalization webinar

Baddý Sonja, CEO of 1xINTERNET and Florian Schwender from Acquia are hosting a free webinar where...

2 min.

Full time Makers during Drupal 9 porting weekend

we are makers

Next weekend, we at 1xINTERNET our whole company will take part in the Drupal 9 porting weekend...

3 min.

Our first DIGITAL FUTUREcongress


Last week we participated in the DIGITAL FUTUREcongress in Frankfurt. The congress took place in...

2 min.


DFC 2020

1xINTERNET & Acquia invite you to the Digital Future Congress in Frankfurt. We are very much looking...

2 min.

Thx Drupal Camp Ruhr 2018

Session and discussion plan Drupal Camp Ruhr 2018.

We are on the way back from Drupal Camp Ruhr, and it's a good time to write down my thoughts and...

3 min.