Our projects turned into success stories for our clients

All industriesEducationEntertainmentGovernment agencyHealthcareNon-profitReal estateRetailService
All solutionsCMS solutionData management systemHosting solutionE-commerce solutionMultisite solutionSocial intranet
All technologiesApache SolrReact NativeDesign systemDrupalElasticsearchNextJSReactWeb components
E-commerce solution

Niggemann - wholesale food supplier B2B webshop

Three green tomatoes on a dark grey background

Developing a fully functional e-commerce webshop tailored to B2B wholesale requirements, with a unique brand identity and a strong online presence.

Data management system Hosting solution

Homemaker - headless data management system

Modern, tall buildings with vibrant colourful facades

Creating a headless solution based on Drupal and React for a leading real estate agency to automate internal processes and streamline operational...

CMS solution

Maggi.de - successful repositioning

Healthy food bowls on the table

Drupal extension for a new market positioning: from a simple recipe platform to a comprehensive, consumer-oriented service portal.

CMS solution

The Icelandic Institute of Natural History

Ní project

The Icelandic Institute of Natural History (NÍ) is a government agency that is responsible for research and monitoring of the natural environment in...

CMS solution Hosting solution

The Union for International Cancer Control

UICC project

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is the largest and oldest membership organisation dedicated to reducing the burden of cancer...

CMS solution

The World Organization of the Scout Movement

World Scouting organization case study

The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) has more than 170 member organisations representing over 50 million scouts from around the world...

CMS solution


Woman holding keys to new house

Miklaborg is a leading real estate agency in Iceland. Due to the growth of the business, the website required a new lease of life to be able to meet...

CMS solution

Bókmenntaborgin - Decoupled CMS solution

Bókmenntaborgin - Header

Bókmenntaborgin is a platform maintained by the City of Reykjavik in collaboration with the Reykjavik City Library to highlight the cultural heritage...

E-commerce solution

Eldum Rétt - complex e-commerce system

Chicken korma with vegetables on the table

Integration of Decoupled Drupal Commerce with the React Native App for a unique customer experience, overall flexibility & scalability of the system.

E-commerce solution

VfSt - optimised e-commerce solution

A symbol of marriage

Successful transition from a proprietary system to an open-source platform with integrated Drupal Commerce to ensure seamless purchase transactions.