Accessibility audit and remediation

Compliant and inclusive digital experiences

Accessibility compliance for your Drupal website

Accessibility is a fundamental right and our web accessibility audit and remediation service is designed to help you create accessible digital experiences for all users. We provide a comprehensive analysis to identify and rectify barriers that prevent users from fully engaging with your digital content.

Request a free audit

Icon of a person, page layout and icons showing accessibility barriers

Legal obligations and risks for non-compliant businesses

The new European Accessibility Act (EAA) forces both the public and private sectors to comply with accessibility requirements by 28 June 2025. Companies not adhering to the regulations may face severe penalties:

Fines of up to




The importance and benefits of accessibility

Investing in accessibility is not only about legal compliance; it’s a strategic move that aligns with the values of inclusivity and social responsibility.

Untapped market of potential customers

1 in 4 people in the EU have some form of disability. As consumers, people with disabilities represent more than $1.2 trillion in annual disposable income. Businesses that focus on accessibility can tap into this substantial market and thus increase their revenues.

Statistics on the number of people with disabilities in the EU


user experience

user engagement

impact on SEO

Our Drupal accessibility audit and remediation services

Comprehensive analysis

We conduct rigorous manual and automated testing against WCAG 2.1 success criterion, ensuring your Drupal website is compliant with the EAA and meets the latest accessibility standards.

Page scanning magnifier and checklist with verification marks

Actionable audit report

We provide a comprehensive report, including a prioritised list of A11Y (accessibility) violations, their impact, actionable recommendations and cost estimates for remediation.

Page mockup and icons showing accessibility barriers

Accessibility remediation

Our team of experienced developers and accessibility experts can support in implementing the necessary changes to make your site fully compliant with accessibility standards.

Icons showing solutions to accessibility barriers

Long-term support

As a full-service digital agency, we provide ongoing monitoring and support for your Drupal website to help you maintain accessibility standards over time.

Three cards with monitoring metrics and green icon of a person

WCAG conformance levels we deliver

WCAG Level A



(required from 28 June 2025 by the EAA)



Other services

Drupal development

Expert led development of dynamic, feature-rich websites using Drupal.

More about Drupal development

UX/ UI design

Intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for outstanding user experience.

More about UI/UX design

SEO optimisation

Higher visibility and search engine rankings through targeted SEO strategies.

More about SEO optimization