1xINTERNET chosen to design and develop new website for the WOSM

4 min.

After an extensive RFP process, The World Organization of the Scout Movement has selected 1xINTERNET to design and develop the new scout.org website. The project includes a new design for the website, content strategy consulting, and an upgrade to the newest version of Drupal.

The World Organization of the Scout Movement

The Scout Movement is one of the largest youth organizations in the world, known for being the educational force that is truly bottom-up in its structure and approach in engaging young people from all over the world that want to make an impact in their local environment as well as the big world. 

The scout.org website is the digital front door of the movement, showcasing how the organization contributes towards the betterment of young people and their development as active global citizens.

The current website is based on Drupal 7, and needed to be revamped to:

  • Serve the needs of all users by letting them easily find what they are seeking;
  • Provide access to key relevant information about our Scout Movement, the organization, governance, and support this information with visual and data-driven evidence and stories from all around the world;
  • Provide clear necessary information about how to join Scouting in their country (as youth members or volunteers);
  • Provide information for potential supporters and donors about how to support Scouting and ways to donate;
  • Be strategic and nimble, and focus on making the content useful, interactive, and engaging.

Hrannar Ásgrímsson at the 1xINTERNET office in Iceland is leading the project for 1xINTERNET. He welcomes this fascinating and interesting new client. “The World Organization of the Scout Movement is very large in size and has a great impact in the world. We at 1xINTERNET are happy to work with them on creating a better digital solution and communication platform to make it easier for them to communicate with the world. The work has already started and so far everything has worked out really well, despite the fact that stakeholders are based in different continents and different time zones.”

Baddy Sonja Breidert, CEO of 1xINTERNET, says they feel honored that 1xINTERNET has been chosen to work with the Scouts on this project. “Like 1xINTERNET, The Scout Movement has been using Drupal for a long time and therefore it's great to get the opportunity to work with them on this project, and future projects.

This organization is one of the biggest non-profit organizations in the world, and in our eyes a very interesting client with an interesting project. We also have few scouts within our company who are thrilled to contribute to the project”.

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Hrannar Ásgrímsson 1xINTERNET Iceland and Baddý Sonja CEO at 1xINTERNET


1xINTERNET was founded back in 2011 to provide professional, state-of-the-art web services and cutting-edge solutions to their clients.  From the start, 1xINTERNET has focused on Drupal as the company's core development framework but Drupal is the most powerful and flexible open-source web framework being used. For decoupled applications, 1xINTERNET uses React technology as it is one of the most powerful frameworks for creating a great user experience.

About the World Organization of the Scout Movement

The Scout movement is one of the world’s leading educational youth movements, engaging millions of young people around the world to be active citizens and create positive change in their communities. Founded by Lord Baden-Powell in 1907,  the organization is a federation of 172 National Scout Organizations in a network of over 57 million Scouts in at least 225 countries and territories worldwide. The organization is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

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