Our highlights

Knowledge, inspiration and fun


Meet the guest artists from Barcelona at DrupalCon 2024

Photos of artists on a red patterned background

Experience Barcelona's vibrant spirit at DrupalCon! Join us at our booth on Wednesday, September 25th, and Thursday, September 26th, where two talented artists will be live sketching portraits of our guests. Stop by and take home a unique piece of Barcelona's artistic essence as a DrupalCon souvenir!

2 min.
Read more about this: Meet the guest artists from Barcelona at DrupalCon 2024

1xCAMP Iceland - June 2022

Group photo

From the 16 - 19th of June 2022, the employees of 1xINTERNET met up in Hveragerði, Iceland for the...

5 min.

1xINTERNET workshop in Conil


In October 1xINTERNET held the first of the three company workshops that will take place instead of...

3 min.

1xINTERNET chosen to design and develop new website for the WOSM

Blog cover - Press release

After an extensive RFP process, The World Organization of the Scout Movement has selected 1xINTERNET...

4 min.

Finalists at Acquia Engage Awards

blog cover acquia engage

Acquia Engage is taking place 26-27 of October 2021. We are proud to be finalists at the Acquia...

7 min.

1xINTERNET at DrupalCon Europe 2021

DrupalCon Europe

This year DrupalCon Europe is taking place online. For us, living in the Drupal world it's almost...

5 min.

1xINTERNET and Schwabe at Acquia Experience Germany

Quick time to Market with 1xDXP products

At Acquia Experience Germany last month, Baddý Sonja from 1xINTERNET and Alex Reisenauer, Director...

3 min.
Knowledge base

GDPR Cookie Consent Banner

What is a Cookie Consent banner and what is the difference to the previous cookie notification. In...

4 min.
Knowledge base

New Analytics Tool: Google Analytics 4

In November last year, Google announced its newest project: Google Analytics 4 ( hereafter called...

5 min.
Corporate culture

Iceland, I have always wanted to go to Iceland!

Yesterday we decided to move the icelandic 1xINTERNET office into nature, spring is arriving, and...

3 min.

1xINTERNET at DrupalCon NA 2021

1xINTERNET hallway track sponsors

1xINTERNET is participating in DrupalCon NA this year as a Hallway Track sponsor. Few of our team...

6 min.

Drupal User Group meetings during a global pandemic

Screen on Laptop from Drupal Group Meeting

During last year, we have had to find other ways to meet with fellow Drupal friends, to share...

3 min.
Knowledge base

Gitlab trick: Automatically resize uploaded images

Some little tricks are simply too good not to share. Here is one of them: Images attached to an...

2 min.