Open-source multisite management system

Efficient multisite management

Our multisite solution is designed to help you manage your business at scale. It allows you to spin up multiple websites with a single codebase. With our solution it becomes easy to create and distribute content across all platforms, maintain control from a single interface and ensure consistent multisite branding.

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Multisite system that accelerates your business growth

Our multisite solution is an open-source multisite management system developed with Drupal. It provides you with complete control and ownership over the software (no licence cost, no vendor lock in). Regardless of whether you manage small businesses or large enterprises, our multisite system is a perfect way to simplify multisite management and reduce both development and maintenance costs.

A circular symbol with an open-source logo

100% open-source framework

Desktop and mobile screens displaying the same code

Single codebase

A circular symbol with a cogwheel and a check mark

Easy to operate

Single codebase for multisites

The multisite solution simplifies the management and maintenance of multiple websites by allowing updates and changes to be made to a single codebase and then replicated across multiple instances. The technology stack supports headless and coupled applications and ensures a high level of connectivity via APIs with other systems in your IT environment such as PIM, DAM, Intranet or E-commerce.

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Engaging content on all platforms

It comes with 90% of the most common features and functionalities out-of-the-box, allowing you to easily create engaging and customisable digital experiences at scale. It includes an in-built content sharing functionality and a robust search system that can be enabled for individual websites or across all websites at once (federated search).

More about our CMS solution

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Control from a single interface

It provides a single interface for centralised management of multiple websites, which can be set up to operate individually or as a multisite system. Even though a single codebase is created for all websites, it is possible to selectively enable different features and custom designs for specific instances. Any frontend technology can be connected with the system using the inbuilt standard REST, JsonAPI, or GraphQL technology.

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Consistent multisite branding

It comes with an integrated design system. Providing a centralised library of reusable components, it ensures all digital properties are consistent and adhere to brand guidelines. In a multisite scenario you can take advantage of a shared design system, enabling individual brands to employ distinct designs within the same design system for targeted communication to end users.

More about design systems

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Main features and benefits of our multisite solution


Headless or coupled architecture

API driven technology (REST,  JsonAPI, GraphQL)


Single codebase for multisites

Single interface for centralised management

Low development and maintenance costs

Easy to use

Intuitive editorial experience

90% of features and functionalities out-of-the-box


Integrated design system 

Reusables components

Shared content between websites


Suitable for any frontend technology

React, Vue.js, Angular, as well as server side solutions can be used


Specific features for individual sites

Different design per website regardless of the frontend technology used

Powerful search

Powerful in-built search functionality for individual sites

Federated search for multisite scenario


Enterprise-grade security data access and transfer mechanisms

Safe deployments and regular security updates

Trusted by industry-leading brands