1xCAMP in Conil de la Frontera 2023

6 min.

Once a year, we gather for several days in a beautiful place around the world. Our yearly gatherings form part of our remote work culture and bring together colleagues from our offices in Frankfurt, Berlin, Reykjavik and Conil de la Frontera, as well as those working from home offices located around Europe. 

A year ago we met in the town of hot springs, Hveragerði, located in the South of Iceland. The chilly weather with temperatures barely reaching 10 degrees and 24 hours of daylight were one of the most extraordinary experiences during this trip. This year, it was different. We met up in Conil de la Frontera, one of the traditional white towns in the South of Spain. We were met with extreme temperatures surpassing 35 degrees and a strong wind called “Levante”. The contrast in weather conditions between the two locations was striking, but we found a way to adapt. Equipped with sun cream, beach umbrellas, sun glasses, water bottles and a strong wish to spend time together, we managed to get the most out of this trip.

A warm welcome and the first icebreaker activity

After a long trip, we were happy to finally arrive at our destination and meet all our colleagues. The arrival at the hotel was a special moment. We received a very warm welcome, not only because of the high temperatures outside, but also because of all the hugs exchanged between colleagues who were finally able to meet in person, again or for the very first time.

There were no doubts about the first activity together. Everyone was looking forward to something refreshing so we headed to the swimming pool. Whether it was a relaxing swim or a casual game of water ball, there was something for everyone to enjoy and start building personal connections within the team.

Culinary bliss: from tapas to Andalusian delights

Conil de la Frontera is a haven for food enthusiasts. We spent three days on a culinary journey sampling the delights of the Atlantic coast: starting with a traditional variety of small plates (known as “tapas”) in a local bar “Pericon” to the local dishes served at the hotel's buffet, to the rich flavours of Andalusian cuisine at the best restaurants in town “Feduchy” and “El Roqueo”.

1xPuzzleTrack: engaging activities for team building

Building a strong team is one of the main goals of our annual gatherings. This year the 1xTEAM was divided into nine small groups to make it easier to connect with colleagues. Each group was motivated to score as many points as possible by participating in different team building activities set up by our awesome organising team: Ana, Hrafi and Sophie.

We were encouraged to explore the city with our fellow team members, find hidden bulls in places we visited together, take group photos in different locations of interest or with one of the most emblematic elements of the history of Conil: tuna fish. Conil de la Frontera is an old fishing port where the sculptures, tiles, paintings and other visual representations of tuna fish can be found at every corner of the city.

We had a lot of fun and gave free rein to our creativity with a sandcastle building competition. With the warm sand and the refreshing ocean breeze, we gathered in teams to put our engineering and creative skills to the test, filled with enthusiasm and determination. The challenge was clear: to construct the most impressive sandcastle. We collaborated closely, combining our individual strengths and talents to bring our collective vision to life. Some of us took charge of the structural integrity, carefully sculpting solid foundations, others made use of their artistic talents adorning the sandcastle with shells, flags, and even candles!

The sandcastle building competition had not only provided fun and laughter, but also strengthened our team spirit and highlighted the remarkable capabilities of our collective creativity.

We spent three days sharing these wonderful experiences together. We participated in several team-building activities with our colleagues. We tried not only to have a good time together, but strived to know each other a little bit better, to speak the language of our fellow team members. We overcame language barriers and discovered the beauty of learning phrases and expressions from different cultures. It was a celebration of diversity and an opportunity to appreciate the richness of our personal backgrounds.

Take a break, enjoy the moment

Time is running fast, and being caught up in our daily routine, we often forget the importance of taking a break and enjoying simple moments that make us feel good.

At 1xCAMP we had the opportunity to experience one of these special moments together, sitting on the beach and enjoying a beautiful sunset in silence. The vibrant colours and serene beauty made us feel like we were in the right place at the right time.

The perfect balance between work and life

Workshop: time for teamwork and collaboration 

One of the days of this amazing trip was dedicated to teamwork and collaboration. We try to build an exceptional work culture where achievements are recognized, milestones are celebrated, and every team member is valued. That's why it was important to meet to discuss our work culture, our mission and values; allowing everyone to express their opinions, to highlight our strengths and identify potential areas for improvement.

We engaged in meaningful conversations, answering simple yet important questions: “What makes a great day?”, “What makes a bad day?”, “What do you enjoy most about working together?”, “What do you find most difficult about working together?”, “What motivates you?”..

Throughout the day, we participated in thoughtful discussions, active listening, and constructive feedback. We achieved a deeper understanding of our work culture, the strengths we possess, and the areas in which we can improve. It was a day of reflection, connection, and growth, reinforcing our commitment to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where everyone can grow and thrive.

After party: time for fun and celebrations

At 1xINTERNET we try to live the perfect balance between work and life. We not only grow and thrive together professionally, but also on a personal level, sharing experiences and creating connections. We love working together and we love celebrating together. This time there was a lot to celebrate: collective achievements after a very productive workshop, personal milestones and the simple joy of being together. 

Every evening was full of fun, laughter and unforgettable moments. The dinner at the beach restaurant “Feduchy” made the evening even more special by the celebration of two birthdays. Following one of our cherished 1xINTERNET traditions, we sang “Happy Birthday” in different languages to our Spanish birthday boys: Alejandro and Alberto.

At 1xINTERNET, we understand the importance of fostering a positive work culture that not only values professional growth, but also nurtures personal connections. We believe that a harmonious work-life balance is the key to the well-being and happiness of our team members. We are grateful to our CEOs for the opportunity to be a part of this  incredible team and for building the company everyone loves working for.

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