1xTEN: Celebrating Our 10-Year Anniversary

4 min.
Our team with 1xTrophy

This Monday, the 11th of December, marks a remarkable milestone in our company's journey – we turn 10! A few weeks ago, on the 24th of November we took the opportunity to celebrate our 1xTEN anniversary in Frankfurt. It was a night filled with laughter, warmth, and gratitude as we gathered with our family, friends, colleagues, and clients to celebrate a decade of achievements, growth, innovation and shared memories.

A journey of a decade

Over the past ten years, our company has grown from a small start-up, founded by three  legends: Baddy, Christoph and Stefan, to one of the leading digital agencies in Europe. This anniversary allowed us to celebrate our incredible journey! From overcoming challenges to achieving significant milestones, the past decade has been a testament to the unwavering dedication and efforts of every individual involved in our company.

The venue and atmosphere

The celebration took place in the Güterbahnhof, located in the beautiful town of Bad Homburg, close to the metropolis of Frankfurt am Main. The venue was adorned with glowing balloons and lightning cubes. The ambient lights created a warm and inviting atmosphere for everyone who joined us, while the red carpet added a touch of elegance, making every attendee feel like a star for the night. And what's really worth highlighting here: everyone was dressed up and looked absolutely amazing!

Family and friends

One of the highlights of the night was the presence of our family and friends. The event was not just about our professional achievements; it was an opportunity to express our gratitude to those who have been part of our personal and professional lives. Smiles, hugs, and shared stories filled the air as we looked back on the journey that brought us all together.

Colleagues and team spirit

Our team is the backbone of our success. From the early days of brainstorming to the late nights of hard work, our colleagues have been the driving force behind our accomplishments. The celebration gave us the opportunity to relax, share laughter and strengthen the bonds that make our workplace a place of well-being. 

Gratitude for our clients

Our clients, the reason for our growth and success, were also an essential part of the celebration. It was an opportunity to express our gratitude for their trust and partnership over the past decade. Building lasting relationships with our clients is at the core of our values, and their presence made the celebration even more meaningful.

Moments to remember

The night was filled with many unforgettable moments: heart-warming speeches, live music, surprises, gifts and lots of fun. A photo booth together with a professional photographer captured the joy of everyone present, creating lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Looking ahead

As we close the chapter on a decade, we look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. The journey so far has been incredible, and with the support and collaboration of our family, friends, colleagues and clients, we are looking forward to the next chapter of growth, challenges, and shared triumphs.

The 10th birthday celebration of 1xINTERNET in Frankfurt brought together the pillars of our success – family, friends, colleagues, and clients. It was more than just a milestone; it was a testament to the power of collaboration, dedication, and shared goals. Our journey is not just about the years passed but the people who have made these years extraordinary. As we continue our journey, we carry the spirit of this celebration with us - a spirit that fuels our passion for excellence and inspires us to reach even greater heights. 

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